Division Awards
This page lists all Division Awards granted to members of Ontario Division.
20 Years Service Award
To recognize patrollers who have 20 years of ACTIVE Service with the CSP (does not have to be consecutive).
Ontario Division will honor the patroller with a framed certificate and a 20 year service pin.
View 20 Years Service Award Recipients
Hunter Boyes |
Central |
1990 |
May Hunter |
Central |
1990 |
Penney May |
Central |
1990 |
Thompstone Penney |
Central |
1990 |
Sears Thompstone |
Central |
1990 |
Ellis Sears |
Kawartha |
1990 |
Coxon Ellis |
Sault Ste Marie |
1990 |
Leigh-Mossley Coxon |
Central |
1991 |
Sartisson Leigh-Mossley |
Central |
1991 |
Reynolds Sartisson |
Central |
1991 |
Hogg Reynolds |
Frontenac |
1991 |
Knox Hogg |
Kawartha |
1991 |
Baker Knox |
Central |
1992 |
Besley Baker |
Central |
1993 |
MacLeod Besley |
Central |
1993 |
Pressnail MacLeod |
Central |
1993 |
Smith Pressnail |
Central |
1993 |
Wheelan Smith |
Central |
1993 |
Honey Wheelan |
Central |
1993 |
Jack Honey |
Frontenac |
1993 |
Jezak Jack |
Frontenac |
1993 |
Strom Jezak |
Frontenac |
1993 |
Rivers Strom |
Superior |
1993 |
Norman Rivers |
Central |
1994 |
Crowe Norman |
Sault Ste Marie |
1994 |
Hall Crowe |
Central |
1995 |
Kennedy Hall |
Central |
1995 |
Robinson Kennedy |
Central |
1995 |
Silver Robinson |
Central |
1995 |
Thompstone Silver |
Central |
1995 |
Crawford Thompstone |
Central |
1995 |
Hughes Crawford |
Kawartha |
1995 |
Lynch Hughes |
Kawartha |
1995 |
Laplante Lynch |
Northeastern |
1995 |
Dagenais Laplante |
Western |
1995 |
Hanson Dagenais |
Algonquin |
1996 |
Adams Hanson |
Algonquin |
1996 |
Bloom Adams |
Central |
1996 |
Frayne Bloom |
Central |
1996 |
Morris Frayne |
Central |
1996 |
Powell Morris |
Central |
1996 |
Wilkes Powell |
Central |
1996 |
Fletcher Wilkes |
Central |
1996 |
Esdale Fletcher |
Frontenac |
1996 |
Esdale |
Kawartha |
1996 |
Millar |
Kawartha |
1996 |
Pister Millar |
Northeastern |
1996 |
Grieve Pister |
Sault Ste Marie |
1996 |
Konderka Grieve |
Superior |
1996 |
Pessah Konderka |
Superior |
1996 |
Ackery Pessah |
Algonquin |
1997 |
Carr Ackery |
Central |
1997 |
Niceforo Carr |
Central |
1997 |
Smith Niceforo |
Central |
1997 |
Wood Smith |
Western |
1997 |
McBride Wood |
Western |
1997 |
Kennedy McBride |
Sault Ste Marie |
1997 |
Matthews Kennedy |
Central |
1998 |
Ross Matthews |
Central |
1998 |
Smith Ross |
Central |
1998 |
Askin Smith |
Central |
1998 |
Fletcher Askin |
Western |
1998 |
Garofalo Fletcher |
Frontenac |
1998 |
Jarvis Garofalo |
Kawartha |
1998 |
Somerville Jarvis |
Kawartha |
1998 |
Beynon Somerville |
Kawartha |
1998 |
Hall Beynon |
Western |
1998 |
Jones Hall |
Central |
1999 |
Karosas Jones |
Central |
1999 |
Nickoloff Karosas |
Central |
1999 |
Pieters Nickoloff |
Central |
1999 |
Thompson Pieters |
Central |
1999 |
Bateman Thompson |
Central |
1999 |
Huny Bateman |
Frontenac |
1999 |
Zucker Huny |
Superior |
1999 |
Armstrong Zucker |
Western |
1999 |
Daniell Armstrong |
Algonquin |
2000 |
Hartley Daniell |
Central |
2000 |
Hatcher Hartley |
Central |
2000 |
Hawkin Hatcher |
Central |
2000 |
Johnson Hawkin |
Central |
2000 |
Knauer Johnson |
Central |
2000 |
Marshall Knauer |
Central |
2000 |
McGinn Marshall |
Central |
2000 |
Stelnick McGinn |
Central |
2000 |
Trayner Stelnick |
Central |
2000 |
Ziolkowski Trayner |
Central |
2000 |
White Ziolkowski |
Central |
2000 |
Turco White |
Kawartha |
2000 |
Baker Turco |
Sault Ste Marie |
2000 |
Plavins Baker |
Central |
2001 |
Bull Plavins |
Algonquin |
2001 |
Hamley Bull |
Central |
2001 |
Hartley Hamley |
Kawartha |
2001 |
Norlen Hartley |
Central |
2001 |
Callaghan Norlen |
Central |
2001 |
Edwards Callaghan |
Kawartha |
2001 |
McIntyre Edwards |
Kawartha |
2001 |
Konderka McIntyre |
Kawartha |
2001 |
Gaetan Konderka |
Superior |
2001 |
Courtin Gaetan |
Western |
2001 |
Paquette Courtin |
Algonquin |
2002 |
Schuehlein Paquette |
Algonquin |
2002 |
Shinton Schuehlein |
Algonquin |
2002 |
Ball Shinton |
Algonquin |
2002 |
Carr Ball |
Central |
2002 |
Laidlaw Carr |
Central |
2002 |
Meuring Laidlaw |
Central |
2002 |
Pala Meuring |
Central |
2002 |
Colwell Pala |
Central |
2002 |
Adams Colwell |
Kawartha |
2002 |
Adams |
Central |
2003 |
Herd |
Central |
2003 |
Kohler Herd |
Central |
2003 |
Low Kohler |
Central |
2003 |
MacAlpine Low |
Central |
2003 |
MacEwen MacAlpine |
Central |
2003 |
Maddeaux MacEwen |
Central |
2003 |
McKee Maddeaux |
Central |
2003 |
Andrews McKee |
Muskoka |
2003 |
Naftel Andrews |
Western |
2003 |
Boulding Naftel |
Western |
2003 |
Floether Boulding |
Central |
2004 |
Howard Floether |
Central |
2004 |
Onysko Howard |
Central |
2004 |
Stelnick Onysko |
Central |
2004 |
Wani Stelnick |
Central |
2004 |
Curlew Wani |
Kawartha |
2004 |
Piecuch Curlew |
Kawartha |
2005 |
Croft Piecuch |
Central |
2005 |
MacKenzie Croft |
Kawartha |
2005 |
Coupal MacKenzie |
Kawartha |
2005 |
Eckert Coupal |
Algonquin |
2006 |
Rogers Eckert |
Algonquin |
2006 |
Buchanan Rogers |
Algonquin |
2006 |
Kavanagh Buchanan |
Kawartha |
2006 |
LeMaitre Kavanagh |
Central |
2006 |
Meesters LeMaitre |
Central |
2006 |
Muller Meesters |
Central |
2006 |
Pecore Muller |
Central |
2006 |
Schomann Pecore |
Central |
2006 |
Smith Schomann |
Central |
2006 |
Torrie Smith |
Central |
2006 |
Visser Torrie |
Central |
2006 |
Howe Visser |
Central |
2006 |
Gyurka Howe |
Frontenac |
2006 |
Rock Gyurka |
Kawartha |
2006 |
Cain Rock |
Sault Ste Marie |
2006 |
Dodd Cain |
Western |
2006 |
Gunn Dodd |
Western |
2006 |
Hummel Gunn |
Western |
2006 |
Pancuska Hummel |
Western |
2006 |
Rankl Pancuska |
Western |
2006 |
Hansen Rankl |
Western |
2006 |
Spooner Hansen |
Superior |
2007 |
Beard Spooner |
Algonquin |
2007 |
Bereczky Beard |
Central |
2007 |
Bilkey Bereczky |
Central |
2007 |
Bindon Bilkey |
Central |
2007 |
Collier Bindon |
Central |
2007 |
Knauer Collier |
Central |
2007 |
Kocher Knauer |
Central |
2007 |
Mackenzie-Cook Kocher |
Central |
2007 |
Moody Mackenzie-Cook |
Muskoka |
2007 |
Mulder-Hall Moody |
Central |
2007 |
Peters Mulder-Hall |
Central |
2007 |
Simmons Peters |
Central |
2007 |
Smith Simmons |
Central |
2007 |
Hicks Smith |
Central |
2007 |
Volman Hicks |
Kawartha |
2007 |
Capell Volman |
Kawartha |
2007 |
Tulloch Capell |
Sault Ste Marie |
2007 |
Rodda Tulloch |
Sault Ste Marie |
2007 |
Witzke Rodda |
Algonquin |
2008 |
Benetti Witzke |
Algonquin |
2008 |
Brown Benetti |
Central |
2008 |
Kosonic Brown |
Central |
2008 |
Pedersen Kosonic |
Central |
2008 |
Thompson Pedersen |
Central |
2008 |
Potts Thompson |
Central |
2008 |
Purc Potts |
Kawartha |
2008 |
Roncarelli Purc |
Kawartha |
2008 |
Stewart Roncarelli |
Kawartha |
2008 |
Cotey Stewart |
Kawartha |
2008 |
Nowacki Cotey |
Western |
2008 |
Dick Nowacki |
Western |
2008 |
Rice Dick |
Central |
2009 |
Sturgess Rice |
Central |
2009 |
Turgoose Sturgess |
Central |
2009 |
Clark Turgoose |
Central |
2009 |
Fong Clark |
Western |
2009 |
Trottier Fong |
Algonquin |
2010 |
Beale Trottier |
Algonquin |
2010 |
Bennett Beale |
Central |
2010 |
Hall Bennett |
Central |
2010 |
Heino Hall |
Central |
2010 |
Jong Heino |
Central |
2010 |
Lemon Jong |
Central |
2010 |
Moriarty Lemon |
Central |
2010 |
Pecore Moriarty |
Central |
2010 |
Smith Pecore |
Central |
2010 |
Young Smith |
Central |
2010 |
Batsford Young |
Central |
2010 |
Oosterlinck Batsford |
Frontenac |
2010 |
Sutherland Oosterlinck |
Frontenac |
2010 |
Hawker Sutherland |
Frontenac |
2010 |
Plummer Hawker |
Kawartha |
2010 |
Walerowich Plummer |
Kawartha |
2010 |
Westbye Walerowich |
Kawartha |
2010 |
Bull Westbye |
Kawartha |
2010 |
Clarkson Bull |
Central |
2011 |
Ezard Clarkson |
Central |
2011 |
Fitzsimmons Ezard |
Central |
2011 |
Follett Fitzsimmons |
Central |
2011 |
Fortier Follett |
Central |
2011 |
Hueton Fortier |
Central |
2011 |
Larose-Sum Hueton |
Central |
2011 |
McAlary Larose-Sum |
Central |
2011 |
Merrifield McAlary |
Central |
2011 |
Munro Merrifield |
Central |
2011 |
Munro |
Central |
2011 |
Payne |
Central |
2011 |
Reid Payne |
Central |
2011 |
Manery Reid |
Central |
2011 |
Goral Manery |
Kawartha |
2011 |
Cotey-Krajaefski Goral |
Kawartha |
2011 |
Luzny Cotey-Krajaefski |
Western |
2011 |
Zylstra Luzny |
Western |
2011 |
Hotchkin Zylstra |
Western |
2011 |
Blight Hotchkin |
Algonquin |
2012 |
Koenig Blight |
Central |
2012 |
McInnis Koenig |
Central |
2012 |
Roe McInnis |
Central |
2012 |
Ross Roe |
Central |
2012 |
Shepherd Ross |
Central |
2012 |
Skurdelis Shepherd |
Central |
2012 |
Smith Skurdelis |
Central |
2012 |
Van Duyn Smith |
Central |
2012 |
Woc Van Duyn |
Central |
2012 |
Legere Woc |
Central |
2012 |
Sharp Legere |
Kawartha |
2012 |
Fairhall Sharp |
Kawartha |
2012 |
Hutley Fairhall |
Muskoka |
2012 |
Neill Hutley |
Muskoka |
2012 |
Burt-Gerrans Neill |
Muskoka |
2012 |
MacDonald Burt-Gerrans |
Western |
2012 |
Skillings MacDonald |
Western |
2012 |
Baker Skillings |
Western |
2012 |
Benetti Baker |
Central |
2013 |
Bosomworth Benetti |
Central |
2013 |
Landolt Bosomworth |
Central |
2013 |
Mainella Landolt |
Central |
2013 |
McMahon Mainella |
Central |
2013 |
Milligan McMahon |
Central |
2013 |
Mark Milligan |
Central |
2013 |
Schofield Mark |
Kawartha |
2013 |
Trumpour Schofield |
Kawartha |
2013 |
Hay Trumpour |
Kawartha |
2013 |
Witter Hay |
Western |
2013 |
Reid Witter |
Western |
2013 |
Smith Reid |
Central |
2015 |
Waddell Smith |
Central |
2015 |
Wiercinski Waddell |
Central |
2015 |
Krajaefski Wiercinski |
Central |
2015 |
Wallhouse Krajaefski |
Western |
2015 |
Aitkens Wallhouse |
Central |
2015 |
Lackey Aitkens |
Central |
2015 |
Leclaire Lackey |
Central |
2015 |
Trafford Leclaire |
Central |
2015 |
Brocanier Trafford |
Central |
2015 |
Malott Brocanier |
Kawartha |
2015 |
Di Paolo-Smith Malott |
Kawartha |
2015 |
Kearns Di Paolo-Smith |
Central |
2015 |
McAuley Kearns |
Central |
2015 |
Armstrong McAuley |
Central |
2015 |
Casey Armstrong |
Western |
2016 |
Hamilton Casey |
Superior |
2016 |
Fletcher Hamilton |
Central |
2016 |
Rocque Fletcher |
Central |
2016 |
McKee Rocque |
Kawartha |
2016 |
Boynton McKee |
Central |
2016 |
Guyon Boynton |
Sault Ste Marie |
2016 |
Doraty Guyon |
Central |
2016 |
Harder Doraty |
Central |
2016 |
Hintermeister Harder |
Central |
2016 |
Meadows Hintermeister |
Central |
2016 |
Rathazy Meadows |
Central |
2016 |
Birrell Rathazy |
Central |
2016 |
Casey Birrell |
Central |
2017 |
Corkill Casey |
Central |
2017 |
Cunningham Corkill |
Central |
2017 |
Glynn Cunningham |
Central |
2017 |
Hsueh Glynn |
Central |
2017 |
Lidstone Hsueh |
Central |
2017 |
Martin Lidstone |
Central |
2017 |
Reid Martin |
Central |
2017 |
Thomas Reid |
Central |
2017 |
Vickery Thomas |
Central |
2017 |
Whitcroft Vickery |
Central |
2017 |
Boynton Whitcroft |
Central |
2017 |
Bakermans Boynton |
2017 |
Shaw Bakermans |
Kawartha |
2018 |
Archdekin Shaw |
Western |
2018 |
Bental Archdekin |
Central |
2018 |
Dutchbum Bental |
Central |
2018 |
Lesica Dutchbum |
Central |
2018 |
Mayo Lesica |
Central |
2018 |
Stadler Mayo |
Central |
2018 |
Anderson Stadler |
Central |
2018 |
Hewett Anderson |
Muskoka |
2019 |
Dell'agnese Hewett |
Kawartha |
2019 |
Cole Dell'agnese |
Kawartha |
2019 |
McClenny Cole |
Kawartha |
2019 |
Zoldy McClenny |
Kawartha |
2019 |
Cormeal Zoldy |
Kawartha |
2019 |
Luczko Cormeal |
Kawartha |
2019 |
Morin Luczko |
Central |
2019 |
Power Morin |
Central |
2019 |
Schauer Power |
Central |
2019 |
Zabroysky Schauer |
Central |
2019 |
Roy Zabroysky |
Central |
2019 |
Bergeron Roy |
Superior |
2019 |
Daniels Bergeron |
Algonquin |
2019 |
Holmes Daniels |
Western |
2019 |
Hopper Holmes |
Western |
2019 |
Rankl Hopper |
Western |
2019 |
Tanton Rankl |
Western |
2019 |
Tanton |
Western |
2019 |
Close Records
25 Years Service Award
To recognize patrollers who have 25 years of ACTIVE Service with the CSP (does not have to be consecutive).
Ontario Division will honor the patroller with a framed certificate and a 25 year service pin.
View 25 Years Service Award Recipients
Cliff James |
Western |
1973 |
Nels Allen |
Algonquin |
1987 |
Douglas Firth |
Central |
1987 |
Ross Penton |
Central |
1987 |
Henry Feith |
Central |
1987 |
Len Trzetziak |
Central |
1987 |
Liz Sine |
Kawartha |
1987 |
Don MacKenzie |
Kawartha |
1987 |
Howard Bowles |
Superior |
1987 |
Gordon Dysart |
Algonquin |
1988 |
Robert Hanson |
Central |
1991 |
Bill Hearn |
Central |
1991 |
Harold Millard |
Central |
1991 |
Ray Piche |
Sault Ste Marie |
1991 |
John Nowacki |
Western |
1991 |
Al Knott |
Central |
1992 |
Marilyn Piche |
Sault Ste Marie |
1992 |
Harold Goldstein |
Central |
1993 |
John Rossimel |
Central |
1993 |
Ted Zubata |
Central |
1993 |
Donald Coulter |
Frontenac |
1993 |
Blaine Bell |
Central |
1994 |
Richard Gaignard |
Central |
1994 |
Janet Mawson |
Central |
1994 |
Peter Maxwell |
Central |
1994 |
Graham Smith |
Central |
1994 |
Don Nicoll |
Sault Ste Marie |
1994 |
Peter Hann |
Western |
1994 |
Richard Schreiber |
Western |
1994 |
Maria Boyes |
Central |
1995 |
Sarah May |
Central |
1995 |
David Thompstone |
Central |
1995 |
Tom Sears |
Kawartha |
1995 |
Jim Ellis |
Sault Ste Marie |
1995 |
Jean Coxon |
Central |
1996 |
Clifford Leigh-Mossley |
Central |
1996 |
Tony Linell |
Central |
1996 |
Dieter Sartisson |
Central |
1996 |
John Hogg |
Kawartha |
1996 |
Robert Parry |
Western |
1996 |
Beth Dubeau |
Central |
1997 |
Gord Knox |
Central |
1997 |
Robert Baker |
Central |
1998 |
Paul Besley |
Central |
1998 |
Gary Smith |
Central |
1998 |
Robert Wheelan |
Central |
1998 |
Jim Honey |
Frontenac |
1998 |
David Jack |
Frontenac |
1998 |
Dr Robin Sare |
Superior |
1998 |
David Strom |
Superior |
1998 |
Don Rivers |
Central |
1999 |
Tom Hall |
Central |
2000 |
William Kennedy |
Central |
2000 |
Kathy Thompstone |
Central |
2000 |
AP Crawford |
Kawartha |
2000 |
Merv Hughes |
Kawartha |
2000 |
Paul Armstrong |
Algonquin |
2001 |
Fred Hanson |
Algonquin |
2001 |
Bill Esdale |
Kawartha |
2001 |
Joan |
Kawartha |
2001 |
Thomas Konderka |
Superior |
2001 |
Millie |
Superior |
2001 |
John Ackery |
Central |
2002 |
Tom Carr |
Central |
2002 |
Dace Frayne |
Central |
2002 |
Tom Smith |
Western |
2002 |
Peter Wood |
Western |
2002 |
Jim Matthews |
Central |
2003 |
Kevin Mowle |
Central |
2003 |
Jim Ross |
Western |
2003 |
Nancy Askin |
Western |
2003 |
Sal Garofalo |
Kawartha |
2003 |
Joan Sommerville |
Kawartha |
2003 |
Keith Dysart |
Algonquin |
2004 |
J-Paul Eichenberg |
Central |
2004 |
Karen Hall |
Central |
2004 |
Larry Nickoloff |
Central |
2004 |
Eric Pieters |
Central |
2004 |
Miles Thompson |
Central |
2004 |
Stu Jarvis |
Kawartha |
2004 |
Ross Pawson |
Kawartha |
2004 |
Stephen Zucker |
Western |
2004 |
Linda Hatcher |
Central |
2005 |
William Marshall |
Central |
2005 |
Daniel McGinn |
Central |
2005 |
Ken Piecuch |
Central |
2005 |
Al Stelnick |
Central |
2005 |
J Michael Trayner |
Central |
2005 |
Tony Ziolkowski |
Central |
2005 |
William White |
Kawartha |
2005 |
Brenda Baker |
Algonquin |
2006 |
Olgart Plavins |
Algonquin |
2006 |
Paul Simpson |
Algonquin |
2006 |
Eric Bull |
Central |
2006 |
Peter Hamley |
Central |
2006 |
Susan Hartley |
Central |
2006 |
Margaret Hinton |
Central |
2006 |
Francis Norlen |
Central |
2006 |
Bert Callaghan |
Kawartha |
2006 |
Barbara Courtin |
Algonquin |
2007 |
Brian Pessa |
Algonquin |
2007 |
Robert Schuehlein |
Algonquin |
2007 |
Vivienne Ball |
Central |
2007 |
Kathy-Anne Carr |
Central |
2007 |
Bart Meuring |
Central |
2007 |
Eva Pala |
Central |
2007 |
David Batsford |
Frontenac |
2007 |
Katherine Cartwright |
Frontenac |
2007 |
Michael Sutherland |
Frontenac |
2007 |
Steve McKee |
Muskoka |
2007 |
Logan Naftel |
Western |
2007 |
John Herd |
Central |
2008 |
Eric Kohler |
Central |
2008 |
Brian Low |
Central |
2008 |
Rod MacAlpine |
Central |
2008 |
Peter MacEwen |
Central |
2008 |
Gary Maddeaux |
Central |
2008 |
Bruce Boulding |
Central |
2009 |
Rick Floether |
Central |
2009 |
Stewart Howard |
Central |
2009 |
Ken Piecuch |
Central |
2009 |
Marlene Stelnick |
Central |
2009 |
John Rogers |
Algonquin |
2010 |
Lilian Campbell |
Central |
2010 |
Thomas Curlew |
Central |
2010 |
Dennis Haggerty |
Central |
2010 |
Sandra Smith |
Central |
2010 |
Roger Weatherall |
Central |
2010 |
Ronald MacKenzie |
Kawartha |
2010 |
Richard Coupal |
Algonquin |
2011 |
James Eckert |
Algonquin |
2011 |
Brian Collier |
Central |
2011 |
Geoffery Kavanagh |
Central |
2011 |
Gord Laidlaw |
Central |
2011 |
Laurie LeMaitre |
Central |
2011 |
Dan Muller |
Central |
2011 |
James Torrie |
Central |
2011 |
Bill Gyurka |
Kawartha |
2011 |
Rob Rock |
Sault Ste Marie |
2011 |
Danny Cain |
Western |
2011 |
Joel Dodd |
Western |
2011 |
George Gunn |
Western |
2011 |
Richard Hummel |
Western |
2011 |
Martin Rankl |
Western |
2011 |
Christian Hansen |
Superior |
2012 |
Jan Martin |
Algonquin |
2012 |
Sheila Anne Spooner |
Algonquin |
2012 |
Margaret Mackenzie-Cook |
Muskoka |
2012 |
Bruce Heil |
Superior |
2012 |
David Fong |
Algonquin |
2015 |
Brian Bennett |
Central |
2015 |
David Dick |
Central |
2015 |
Gordon Hall |
Central |
2015 |
Vesa Heino |
Central |
2015 |
Ian Rice |
Central |
2015 |
Ernest Sturgess |
Central |
2015 |
Bert Oosterlinck |
Frontenac |
2015 |
Jay Clark |
Central |
2015 |
Scott Lancaster |
Western |
2015 |
Daniel O'Neil |
Muskoka |
2015 |
Lyle Plater |
Central |
2015 |
Steve Baumgartner |
Central |
2017 |
Gary Gibbons |
Central |
2017 |
Allan McInnis |
Central |
2017 |
Shannon Munro |
Central |
2017 |
Lyle Plater |
Central |
2017 |
Sandra Roe |
Central |
2017 |
Judy Ross |
Central |
2017 |
Glen Sheppard |
Central |
2017 |
Lisa Skurdelis |
Central |
2017 |
Wyn Smith |
Central |
2017 |
Keith VanDuyn |
Central |
2017 |
Betty Hotchkin |
Algonquin |
2017 |
Dave Burt-Gerans |
Western |
2017 |
Scott MacDonald |
Western |
2017 |
Close Records
50 Years Service Award
To recognize patrollers who have 50 years of ACTIVE Service with the CSP (does not have to be consecutive).
Ontario Division will honor the patroller with a framed certificate and a 50 year service pin.
View 50 Years Service Award Recipients
Ross Penton |
Central |
1997 |
Cliff James |
Western |
1998 |
Harold Goldstein |
Central |
2018 |
Blain Bell |
Central |
2019 |
Close Records
Division Appreciation Award
To recognize a member of the System who has contributed far more time and effort than would normally be expected in the performance of their assigned function, or a member who has taken on a special project on behalf of the Division and has done an outstanding job.
This award may also be given to recognize persons or organisations outside of the system who have voluntarily performed services at the Division level beyond that requested or expected.
Any member of the System, non-member or organisation may be nominated.
The recipient will receive a framed certificate.
View Division Appreciation Award Recipients
0 |
Liz Sine |
Kawartha |
1975 |
1 |
Brian Hall |
Central |
1976 |
2 |
Nancy Hogarth |
- |
1976 |
3 |
Labatt's Ontario |
- |
1976 |
4 |
Rick Sharman |
- |
1976 |
5 |
Jim Stuckey |
- |
1976 |
6 |
Larry Graber |
Western |
1977 |
7 |
Gary Lemmond |
- |
1977 |
8 |
Bruce Brider |
- |
1977 |
9 |
Henry Feith |
- |
1977 |
10 |
Great Lakes Steel |
- |
1977 |
11 |
David Hodgdon |
- |
1977 |
12 |
Ross Penton |
- |
1977 |
13 |
Dick Morton |
Central |
1978 |
14 |
Bryan Robinson |
Central |
1978 |
15 |
Murray O'Shea |
Frontenac |
1978 |
16 |
Jane Perkins |
- |
1978 |
17 |
Dr Stan Scott |
- |
1978 |
18 |
Steve Kahnert |
- |
1979 |
19 |
High Parks Ski Club |
- |
1979 |
20 |
Marry Alice Legge |
- |
1979 |
21 |
Hilda Marshall |
- |
1979 |
22 |
Harold Goldstein |
Central |
1979 |
23 |
David Martinuk |
- |
1979 |
24 |
Serge Metikosh |
- |
1979 |
25 |
Ron Laforest |
- |
1980 |
26 |
Mario Favretto |
- |
1980 |
27 |
Gwen Couch |
- |
1980 |
28 |
Dr Jack Dodds |
Central |
1980 |
29 |
Eric Arthurs |
Central |
1980 |
30 |
Marlene Hawkins |
- |
1980 |
31 |
Bank of Nova Scotia |
- |
1980 |
32 |
Don MacKenzie |
Kawartha |
1980 |
33 |
Tom Bennett |
Kawartha |
1980 |
34 |
Robin Gray |
- |
1981 |
35 |
Vic Huttmann |
Kawartha |
1981 |
36 |
Debbie Bloom |
Central |
1981 |
37 |
Fred Norris |
- |
1981 |
38 |
Phil Graham |
- |
1982 |
39 |
Marj-Leena Judin |
- |
1982 |
40 |
Don Coulter |
Frontenac |
1982 |
41 |
Peter Crowe |
Kawartha |
1982 |
42 |
Clifford Leigh-Mossley |
Central |
1982 |
43 |
Don MacKenzie |
Kawartha |
1982 |
44 |
Peter Maxwell |
Central |
1982 |
45 |
Don Drywood |
- |
1982 |
46 |
Nels Allen |
Superior |
1983 |
47 |
Frank Reynolds |
Superior |
1983 |
48 |
Walter Dermott |
Central |
1983 |
49 |
Gary Lane |
- |
1983 |
50 |
Wendy Jones |
- |
1983 |
51 |
Mary-Ann Coleman |
Central |
1983 |
52 |
Mert Lafke |
- |
1983 |
53 |
Len Trzetziak |
Kawartha |
1983 |
54 |
John Erskine |
- |
1984 |
55 |
Dave Wright |
- |
1984 |
56 |
Howard McGahey |
Kawartha |
1984 |
57 |
Bob Rappolt |
- |
1984 |
58 |
Marilyn Piche |
Sault Ste Marie |
1984 |
59 |
Brooke Biscoe |
- |
1984 |
60 |
Gary Schoenfeld |
- |
1984 |
61 |
Jules Baderski |
Northeastern |
1984 |
62 |
Bill Coxon |
Central |
1984 |
63 |
Graham Smith |
Central |
1984 |
64 |
Garry Geddes |
Western |
1985 |
65 |
Mike McCarthy |
Kawartha |
1985 |
66 |
Bob Baker |
Central |
1985 |
67 |
Jean Venette |
- |
1985 |
68 |
Wes Ham |
Muskoka |
1985 |
69 |
Eric Columbus |
- |
1985 |
70 |
Brian Pessah |
Superior |
1986 |
71 |
Dwight Bull |
Central |
1986 |
72 |
Bill Esdale |
Kawartha |
1986 |
73 |
Ed Fletcher |
Frontenac |
1986 |
74 |
Woody Manery |
Kawartha |
1986 |
75 |
Doug Simpson |
Central |
1986 |
76 |
Barbara Courtin |
Algonquin |
1986 |
77 |
Peter Hahn |
Western |
1987 |
78 |
Mim Bennett |
Kawartha |
1987 |
79 |
Garry Beechey |
Kawartha |
1987 |
80 |
Tom Smith |
Western |
1987 |
81 |
Nancy Askin |
Superior |
1987 |
82 |
Stu Jarvis |
Kawartha |
1987 |
83 |
Jan James |
Western |
1987 |
84 |
Lawrence Edwards |
- |
1987 |
85 |
Phil Kohls |
Central |
1987 |
86 |
Don Norman |
Sault Ste Marie |
1987 |
87 |
Ray Piche |
Superior |
1987 |
88 |
Doug Hull |
- |
1987 |
89 |
Millie Konderka |
Superior |
1987 |
90 |
Steve Bazak |
Kawartha |
1987 |
91 |
Ron Killins |
Superior |
1988 |
92 |
Randy Fauteux |
Northeastern |
1988 |
93 |
Gord Knox |
Central |
1988 |
94 |
Tammy Pessah |
Superior |
1988 |
95 |
Dorothy MacIntyre |
Kawartha |
1988 |
96 |
Al Darling |
Kawartha |
1988 |
97 |
Sal Garofalo |
Kawartha |
1988 |
98 |
Jim Honey |
Western |
1988 |
99 |
Ed Jezak |
Frontenac |
1988 |
100 |
Don McNicoll |
- |
1988 |
101 |
Linda Hatcher |
Central |
1988 |
102 |
Rodger Falconer |
Kawartha |
1988 |
103 |
Greg Laplante |
Western |
1988 |
104 |
Arlee Berry |
Western |
1988 |
105 |
Aline Bonsall |
Western |
1988 |
106 |
Grant Fowler |
Western |
1988 |
107 |
Ginter Karossas |
- |
1988 |
108 |
Frances Norlen |
Northeastern |
1988 |
109 |
Deanna Hanson |
Algonquin |
1988 |
110 |
Joanne Bazak |
Kawartha |
1989 |
111 |
Joan Esdale |
Kawartha |
1989 |
112 |
Karen Jarvis |
Kawartha |
1989 |
113 |
John Hogg |
Kawartha |
1989 |
114 |
Gord Dysart |
Algonquin |
1989 |
115 |
Jackie Dysart |
Algonquin |
1989 |
116 |
Calum McLeod |
Central |
1989 |
117 |
David Johnson |
Central |
1989 |
118 |
Rodger Wetherill |
Central |
1989 |
119 |
Heather Fletcher |
Frontenac |
1989 |
120 |
David Jack |
Frontenac |
1989 |
121 |
Cathy Hunt |
Superior |
1989 |
122 |
Rob Kelly |
Muskoka |
1990 |
123 |
Darryl Johnston |
Kawartha |
1990 |
124 |
Heather Baines |
Algonquin |
1990 |
125 |
Louise Hill |
Kawartha |
1990 |
126 |
Mike Fairhart |
Kawartha |
1990 |
127 |
Fred Hanson |
Algonquin |
1990 |
128 |
Mike McCord |
Superior |
1990 |
129 |
Gary Lachance |
Muskoka |
1990 |
130 |
Blaine Bell |
Central |
1990 |
131 |
Tom Sears |
Kawartha |
1990 |
132 |
Sports Club of Canada |
- |
1990 |
133 |
Physio Dept Scarborough Hospital |
- |
1991 |
134 |
Becton Dickson Canada |
- |
1991 |
135 |
Bill Esdale |
Kawartha |
1991 |
136 |
Maria Boyes |
Central |
1991 |
137 |
George Rodda |
Northeastern |
1991 |
138 |
Paula Jovanovic |
Central |
1991 |
139 |
Tom Carr |
Central |
1991 |
140 |
Murray Hubley |
Central |
1991 |
141 |
Bea Johnson |
Northeastern |
1991 |
142 |
Randy McKinlay |
Kawartha |
1991 |
143 |
Paula Paquette |
Northeastern |
1991 |
144 |
Dr Doug Firth |
Central |
1992 |
145 |
Rob Ferri |
Northeastern |
- |
146 |
Mark Rogers |
Northeastern |
- |
147 |
Paul Armstrong |
Northeastern |
- |
148 |
Vivian Ball |
Superior |
1992 |
149 |
Sandy Adams |
Central |
1992 |
150 |
Joy Saunders |
Kawartha |
1992 |
151 |
Steve McKee |
Muskoka |
1992 |
152 |
Jim Walker |
Muskoka |
1992 |
153 |
Jan Martin |
Algonquin |
1992 |
154 |
Jim Laturney |
Western |
1992 |
155 |
Larry Demarco |
Central |
1992 |
156 |
David Batsford |
Frontenac |
1993 |
157 |
John Rossimel |
Central |
1993 |
0 |
George Kubovic |
Kawartha |
1992 |
158 |
Al Knott |
Central |
1993 |
159 |
Joe Hartman |
Western |
1993 |
160 |
Len Nevin |
Sault Ste Marie |
1993 |
161 |
Michelle Richardson |
Kawartha |
1993 |
162 |
David Millar |
Northeastern |
1993 |
163 |
David Howe |
Frontenac |
1993 |
164 |
Brian Wilson |
Superior |
1993 |
165 |
Beth Dubeau |
Central |
1993 |
166 |
Eric Cline |
Superior |
1994 |
167 |
Ross Dunning |
Kawartha |
1994 |
168 |
Sarah Johnson |
Northeastern |
1994 |
169 |
Bill Kennedy |
Central |
1994 |
170 |
Rod MacAlpine |
Central |
1994 |
171 |
Sarah May |
Central |
1994 |
172 |
Fiona Tzelkos |
Western |
1994 |
173 |
Bill White |
Kawartha |
1994 |
174 |
Ric Wight |
Central |
1994 |
175 |
Rosemary Wilkes |
Central |
1994 |
176 |
Ted Zubata |
Central |
1994 |
177 |
Scott Cameron |
Kawartha |
1995 |
178 |
Don Coldwell |
Kawartha |
1995 |
179 |
Dodd Joel |
Western |
1995 |
180 |
Joyce Hicks |
Kawartha |
1995 |
181 |
- Kamiskotia Ski Resorts Ltd. |
Northeastern |
1995 |
182 |
Geoffery Kavanagh |
Central |
1995 |
183 |
John Nowacki |
Western |
1995 |
184 |
Richard Schreiber |
Western |
1995 |
185 |
Paul Simpson |
Northeastern |
1995 |
186 |
Tony Staalstra |
Algonquin |
1995 |
187 |
Marlene Stelnick |
Central |
1995 |
189 |
Dave Trottier |
Algonquin |
1995 |
190 |
Linda Andrews |
Western |
1996 |
191 |
Keith Buchanan |
Kawartha |
1996 |
192 |
Kathy Anne Carr |
Central |
1996 |
193 |
Desiree Chen |
Western |
1996 |
194 |
Robert Cotey |
Western |
1996 |
195 |
Jim Ellis |
Sault Ste Marie |
1996 |
196 |
Karen Gray |
Central |
1996 |
197 |
Bill Gyurka |
Kawartha |
1996 |
198 |
Randy Hyvarinen |
Superior |
1996 |
199 |
Bob Lemke |
Algonquin |
1996 |
200 |
Janet Meesters |
Central |
1996 |
201 |
Richard Morris |
Central |
1996 |
202 |
Mac Nussey |
Algonquin |
1996 |
203 |
Ross Pawson |
Kawartha |
1996 |
204 |
Ian Rice |
Central |
1996 |
205 |
Karen Smith |
Central |
1996 |
206 |
David Strom |
Superior |
1996 |
207 |
Miles Thompson |
Central |
1996 |
208 |
Ian Thomson |
Frontenac |
1996 |
209 |
Geoff Witzke |
Algonquin |
1996 |
210 |
Bruce Boulding |
Central |
1997 |
211 |
Cindy Cameron |
Kawartha |
1997 |
212 |
Barbel Conlin |
Algonquin |
1997 |
213 |
Heather Ferris |
Central |
1997 |
214 |
Marc Nowacki |
Western |
1997 |
215 |
Robert Parry |
Western |
1997 |
216 |
Ken Piecuch |
Central |
1997 |
217 |
Olgerts Plavins |
Algonquin |
1997 |
218 |
Peter Rethy |
Kawartha |
1997 |
219 |
Don Rivers |
Central |
1997 |
220 |
Debra Robinson |
Northeastern |
1997 |
221 |
Sheila Anne Spooner |
Algonquin |
1997 |
222 |
Al Stelnick |
Central |
1997 |
223 |
Hilda Weber |
Western |
1997 |
224 |
Roy Cumming |
Western |
1998 |
225 |
Jeff Dormer |
Algonquin |
1998 |
226 |
Peter Follett |
Central |
1998 |
227 |
David Jones |
Central |
1998 |
228 |
Jean Kerr-Perry |
Algonquin |
1998 |
229 |
Brian Low |
Central |
1998 |
230 |
Alison Luke |
Northeastern |
1998 |
231 |
Jim Matthews |
Central |
1998 |
232 |
Martin McQuillan |
Central |
1998 |
233 |
Robin Moore |
Kawartha |
1998 |
234 |
Guy Stewart |
Kawartha |
1998 |
235 |
Scott Thompson |
Central |
1998 |
236 |
Dan Volman |
Kawartha |
1998 |
237 |
Alvin Weatherall |
Central |
1998 |
238 |
Greg Andrews |
Western |
1999 |
239 |
Jay Clark |
Western |
1999 |
240 |
Betty Dixon |
Western |
1999 |
241 |
Keith Dixon |
Western |
1999 |
242 |
Eggie Ehlers |
Central |
1999 |
243 |
Thomas Konderka |
Superior |
1999 |
244 |
John Lackie |
Central |
1999 |
245 |
Ron MacKenzie |
Kawartha |
1999 |
246 |
Rob Nadeau |
Central |
1999 |
247 |
Hans Nischan |
Muskoka |
1999 |
248 |
Bob Olson |
Kawartha |
1999 |
249 |
Paul Ruebsam |
Superior |
1999 |
250 |
Dieter Schoenfeld |
Algonquin |
1999 |
251 |
Ron Young |
Frontenac |
1999 |
252 |
Liz Ayearst |
Western |
2000 |
253 |
Paul Besley |
Central |
2000 |
254 |
Ann Crawford |
Kawartha |
2000 |
255 |
Dave Dick |
Central |
2000 |
256 |
Scott Fraser |
Algonquin |
2000 |
257 |
Mark Hutley |
Muskoka |
2000 |
258 |
Clyde Knutsen |
Algonquin |
2000 |
259 |
Louise Larose-Sum |
Central |
2000 |
260 |
Soren Madsen |
Central |
2000 |
261 |
Richard Meesters |
Central |
2000 |
262 |
Dave Montgomery |
Central |
2000 |
263 |
Jay Neill |
Muskoka |
2000 |
264 |
Bert Oosterlinck |
Frontenac |
2000 |
265 |
Nancy Price-Hutley |
Muskoka |
2000 |
266 |
John Redman |
Kawartha |
2000 |
267 |
David Schatzler |
Sault Ste Marie |
2000 |
268 |
Stephen Slack |
Western |
2000 |
269 |
Bob Tatarski |
Western |
2000 |
270 |
Mike Turco |
Sault Ste Marie |
2000 |
271 |
Lonna Edwards |
Kawartha |
2001 |
272 |
Donna Gibbons |
Kawartha |
2001 |
273 |
Robert Kavanagh |
Superior |
2001 |
274 |
Steve Kohler |
Superior |
2001 |
275 |
Chris Li |
Central |
2001 |
276 |
Julian Pope |
Central |
2001 |
277 |
John Potts |
Kawartha |
2001 |
278 |
Gareth Pritchard |
Superior |
2001 |
279 |
Lillian Schomann |
Central |
2001 |
280 |
Cary Ackerman |
Western |
2002 |
281 |
David Armstrong |
Western |
2002 |
282 |
Steve Coulighan |
Central |
2002 |
283 |
Pamela Foster |
Kawartha |
2002 |
284 |
Andy Grandmaison |
Algonquin |
2002 |
285 |
Steve Kohler |
Superior |
2002 |
286 |
Rick Pierce |
Muskoka |
2002 |
287 |
Robert Rocque |
Kawartha |
2002 |
288 |
Colin Whitehead |
Western |
2002 |
289 |
Deanna Anderson |
Muskoka |
2003 |
290 |
Marc Beyore |
Algonquin |
2003 |
291 |
Marg Bruineman |
Central |
2003 |
292 |
Patrick Buchanan |
Central |
2003 |
293 |
Barb Bull |
Central |
2003 |
294 |
Rick Bull |
Central |
2003 |
295 |
Kim Dubeau |
Muskoka |
2003 |
296 |
Jack Haley |
Kawartha |
2003 |
297 |
Tom Hall |
Central |
2003 |
298 |
Ted Kennedy |
Central |
2003 |
299 |
Ted McLeod |
Central |
2003 |
300 |
Chantal Rathwell-Fraser |
Algonquin |
2003 |
301 |
Laurence Redding |
Kawartha |
2003 |
302 |
Sandra Roe |
Central |
2003 |
303 |
Tim Stezik |
Kawartha |
2003 |
304 |
Alison Armstrong |
Western |
2004 |
305 |
Paul Bikey |
Central |
2004 |
306 |
David Burt-Gerrans |
Western |
2004 |
307 |
Gordon Goral |
Kawartha |
2004 |
308 |
Robert Hawker |
Kawartha |
2004 |
309 |
Vesa-Matti Heino |
Central |
2004 |
310 |
Andrew Knauer |
Central |
2004 |
311 |
Eeric Kohler |
Central |
2004 |
312 |
Tim Legere |
Kawartha |
2004 |
313 |
Carl Leszkowicz |
Kawartha |
2004 |
314 |
Tim Manery |
Kawartha |
2004 |
315 |
Allan McInnis |
Central |
2004 |
316 |
Carol Munroe |
Central |
2004 |
317 |
Douglas Pecore |
Central |
2004 |
318 |
Robin Roncarelli |
Kawartha |
2004 |
319 |
Doris-Anne Smith |
Western |
2004 |
320 |
Charlie Turner |
Kawartha |
2004 |
321 |
Dolf Witlox |
Muskoka |
2004 |
322 |
2005 |
323 |
2005 |
324 |
2005 |
325 |
2005 |
326 |
2005 |
327 |
2005 |
328 |
2005 |
329 |
2005 |
330 |
2005 |
331 |
2005 |
332 |
2005 |
333 |
2005 |
334 |
Marc Beyore |
Algonquin |
2006 |
335 |
Connie Bontje |
Western |
2006 |
336 |
Bruce Boynton |
Sault Ste Marie |
2006 |
337 |
Patrick Dole |
Western |
2006 |
338 |
Paul Eichenberg |
Central |
2006 |
339 |
George Gunn |
Western |
2006 |
340 |
Jason Hess |
Kawartha |
2006 |
341 |
Terry Iutzi |
Western |
2006 |
342 |
Don McLeod |
Western |
2006 |
343 |
John Olsen |
Central |
2006 |
344 |
Andy Payne |
Central |
2006 |
345 |
Jim Ross |
Central |
2006 |
346 |
George Sharp |
Kawartha |
2006 |
347 |
Mike Wheelan |
Central |
2006 |
348 |
Derek Zoldy |
Kawartha |
2006 |
349 |
Peter Bakermans |
Kawartha |
2007 |
350 |
Ian Casey |
Superior |
2007 |
351 |
Mike Desbois |
Frontenac |
2007 |
352 |
William Marshall |
Central |
2007 |
353 |
Paul Poirier |
Kawartha |
2007 |
354 |
Ken Reid |
Central |
2007 |
355 |
Dave Stott |
Muskoka |
2007 |
356 |
Lazlo Vavrovics |
Central |
2007 |
357 |
Veronika Marakhazi |
Central |
2008 |
358 |
Chris Plummer |
Kawartha |
2008 |
359 |
Dave Segers |
Kawartha |
2008 |
360 |
Darren Brocainer |
Kawartha |
2009 |
361 |
Ron Cameron |
Western |
2009 |
362 |
Karen Iutzi |
Western |
2009 |
363 |
Eva Pala |
Central |
2009 |
364 |
Daphane Poirier |
Sault Ste Marie |
2009 |
365 |
Russ Pyper |
Kawartha |
2009 |
366 |
Susanne Rankl |
Western |
2009 |
367 |
Bradley Redwood |
Muskoka |
2009 |
368 |
Michelle Gettins-Magill |
Muskoka |
2010 |
369 |
Sharlene Heino |
Central |
2010 |
370 |
Michael Hopper |
Central |
2010 |
371 |
Corey Krajaefski |
Western |
2010 |
372 |
Gord Long |
Muskoka |
2010 |
373 |
Shawn McGuire |
Central |
2010 |
374 |
Margaret Mackenzie-Cook |
Central |
2010 |
375 |
Shaun Regan |
Kawartha |
2010 |
376 |
Alan Roy |
Frontenac |
2010 |
377 |
Richard Skillings |
Western |
2010 |
378 |
Alison Smith |
Western |
2010 |
379 |
Mike Sutherland |
Frontenac |
2010 |
380 |
Eric Trumpor |
Kawartha |
2010 |
381 |
Mark Wiercinski |
Central |
2010 |
382 |
William Wright |
Western |
2010 |
383 |
Timothy Bachelder |
Central |
2011 |
384 |
Mary-Eileen Casey |
Central |
2011 |
385 |
Robert Cole |
Kawartha |
2011 |
386 |
Thomas Curlew |
Kawartha |
2011 |
387 |
Natalie Everitt |
Algonquin |
2011 |
388 |
Robert Hofbauer |
Kawartha |
2011 |
389 |
Andrew Larcombe |
Frontenac |
2011 |
390 |
Larry Nickoloff |
Central |
2011 |
391 |
Louie Panozzo |
Central |
2011 |
392 |
Sheila Reesor |
Central |
2011 |
393 |
Sandra Smith |
Central |
2011 |
394 |
Jeff Walters |
Central |
2011 |
395 |
Brittany Borysek |
Central |
2012 |
396 |
Norm Brown |
Central |
2012 |
397 |
Greg Dell'Agnese |
Kawartha |
2012 |
398 |
Bruce Hell |
Superior |
2012 |
399 |
John Hooke |
Central |
2012 |
400 |
Bob Lidstone |
Central |
2012 |
401 |
Bill Littlefair |
Kawartha |
2012 |
402 |
Dave Mayo |
Central |
2012 |
403 |
Nancy McAlary |
Central |
2012 |
404 |
Glen Porter |
Kawartha |
2012 |
405 |
Kelly Redwood |
Muskoka |
2012 |
406 |
Darryl Storey |
Superior |
2012 |
407 |
Daniela Vomacka |
Central |
2012 |
408 |
Peter Willmott |
Frontenac |
2012 |
409 |
Ronald Arbuthnot |
Frontenac |
2013 |
410 |
Tim Bergman |
Central |
2013 |
411 |
Mark A Brown |
Central |
2013 |
412 |
Rob Carson |
Kawartha |
2013 |
413 |
Eileen Cotey-Krajaefski |
Western |
2013 |
414 |
Lesley Daw |
Central |
2013 |
415 |
Doug Edwards |
Kawartha |
2013 |
416 |
Ben Finestone |
Central |
2013 |
417 |
Cynthia Gatch |
Central |
2013 |
418 |
Cornel Parvulescu |
Western |
2013 |
419 |
Lia Skelding |
Kawartha |
2013 |
420 |
Steven T Skelding |
Kawartha |
2013 |
421 |
Mike Stones |
Kawartha |
2013 |
422 |
Barb Tanton |
Western |
2013 |
423 |
Melody Witter |
Western |
2013 |
424 |
Christine Wood |
Central |
2013 |
425 |
- Golf North |
Western |
2013 |
426 |
Brenda Baker |
Central |
2014 |
427 |
David J Birrell |
Central |
2014 |
428 |
Scott Douglas |
Kawartha |
2014 |
429 |
Corbee Dutchburn |
Central |
2014 |
430 |
Ben Jardine |
Muskoka |
2014 |
431 |
Ryan McLeod |
Sault Ste Marie |
2014 |
432 |
Jimi Power |
Central |
2014 |
433 |
Philip Turgoose |
Western |
2014 |
434 |
Eric Waddell |
Central |
2014 |
435 |
Terri Ward |
Kawartha |
2014 |
436 |
Blair Wallhouse |
Central |
2015 |
437 |
Brian Collier |
Central |
2015 |
438 |
Catherine Carr |
Algonquin |
2015 |
439 |
Darryl Rolfe |
Frontenac |
2015 |
440 |
Denise Sebastian |
Kawartha |
2015 |
441 |
Gwen Brown |
Frontenac |
2015 |
442 |
Jennifer Poirier |
Sault Ste Marie |
2015 |
443 |
Marion Karol |
Central |
2015 |
444 |
Cathy Relf |
Central |
2015 |
445 |
Robert (Bob) Thompson |
Kawartha |
2015 |
446 |
Stephane Niles |
Atlantic West |
2015 |
447 |
Steve Smith |
Frontenac |
2015 |
448 |
Timothy Cox |
Kawartha |
2016 |
449 |
Cindy Guyon |
Central |
2016 |
450 |
Andrew M. Hoffman |
Central |
2016 |
451 |
Chris Hopkins |
Muskoka |
2016 |
452 |
Anthony (Andy) Richard Hueton |
Central |
2016 |
453 |
Beth Koren |
Central |
2016 |
454 |
Jodie-Marc Lalonde |
Muskoka |
2016 |
455 |
Paul Paul Aitkins |
Central |
2016 |
456 |
Steve Reeves |
Kawartha |
2016 |
457 |
John Stambolic |
Central |
2016 |
458 |
Vera Stambolic |
Central |
2016 |
459 |
John Alguire |
Muskoka |
2017 |
460 |
Sandra Benetti |
Central |
2017 |
461 |
Steve Benetti |
Central |
2017 |
462 |
Gord Doraty |
Central |
2017 |
463 |
Steven Fairhall |
Muskoka |
2017 |
464 |
Vincent Hamilton |
Central |
2017 |
465 |
Alex Hsueh |
Central |
2017 |
466 |
Andrew Lee |
Central |
2017 |
467 |
Peter Macewen |
Central |
2017 |
468 |
Frank Pointner |
Central |
2017 |
469 |
Adrian Saywell |
Central |
2017 |
470 |
Rodney Whiteside |
Central |
2017 |
471 |
Chris Baker |
Central |
2017 |
472 |
Daryl Schofield |
Kawartha |
2017 |
473 |
Wayne Tulloch |
2017 |
474 |
Sue Wright |
Central |
2018 |
475 |
Justin Paquet |
Central |
2018 |
476 |
Daniela O'neil |
Muskoka |
2018 |
477 |
Darlene Penner |
Central |
2018 |
478 |
Glenn Sheppard |
Central |
2018 |
479 |
Stephen Fisher |
Kawartha |
2018 |
480 |
Nicholas Dodokin |
Central |
2018 |
481 |
Janet Riske |
Central |
2019 |
482 |
Lisa Skurelis |
Central |
2019 |
483 |
Scott Winchester |
Muskoka |
2019 |
484 |
Jim Ellis |
2019 |
485 |
Alexandra Boulding |
Central |
2019 |
Close Records
Bill Kennedy Award
For the Division to recognize the important contributions in various functions by special individuals who have shown dedication beyond normal expectations to the Division and in so doing honour the recipient with the highest award available in the Division.
Create awareness amongst the Division of the respect and honour accorded by the Division to this individual and to foster an “esprit de corps” among the members of this unique individual, and to thereby promote the long term survival of the Division.
ELIGIBILITY: Any member of the Ontario Division.
NOMINATING PROCEDURE: Any member of the Division may submit a nomination on the approved form and in accordance with the rules forwarded each year to the Zone Presidents, as per the Awards Guide.
1. A nominee should have been recognized by his/her own Zone, and must have received the Division and National appreciation awards and the Canadian Ski Patroller Award and should have shown new initiative since receiving the CSP Award.
2. A detailed document must be received which provides a chronological list of the activities of the individual.
3. The individual must have provided positive leadership in the System for a number of years.
4. A “builder” of the Division (ie: leadership or major contributions that have aided the growth of the System or have had a major positive impact are the best examples). Note: This should not be a length of service award.
5. Contributions made at the Division level are essential and at the National level are considered desirable.
6. The individual’s dedication to the aims and objectives of the System must be demonstrated.
AWARD: The recipient receives a pin and a numbered engraved plaque.
View Bill Kennedy Award Recipients
1 |
Bill Kennedy |
Central |
2006 |
2 |
Stu Jarvis |
Kawartha |
2006 |
3 |
Nancy Askin |
Western |
2008 |
4 |
John Hogg |
Kawartha |
2008 |
5 |
Miles Thompson |
Central |
2008 |
6 |
Sal Garafalo |
Kawartha |
2010 |
7 |
Don Rivers |
Central |
2010 |
8 |
Tom Carr |
Central |
2010 |
9 |
Linda Andrews |
Western |
2011 |
10 |
Harold Goldstein |
Central |
2012 |
11 |
Graham Smith |
Kawartha |
2012 |
12 |
Kathy-Anne Carr |
Central |
2012 |
13 |
Brian Low |
Central |
2012 |
14 |
Guy Stewart |
Kawartha |
2014 |
15 |
Geoffrey Kavanaugh |
Central |
2015 |
16 |
Albert (Al) Knott |
Frontenac |
2015 |
17 |
Nancy Price-Hutley |
Muskoka |
2016 |
18 |
Bruce Boulding |
Central |
2017 |
19 |
Clifford Leight-Mossley |
Central |
2017 |
Close Records
Doug Wilson
OBJECTIVE: To recognize a Zone that has demonstrated the best overall administrative ability.
RESULTS: To create an awareness in the members, of the linkage from the patrollers through the Zone to Division to National office.
ELIGIBILITY: All Zones in Ontario Division. This award may be awarded to the same individual zone more than once.
NOMINATING PROCEDURES: Only Ontario Division Executive may nominate for this award. The nomination must be submitted in writing, outlining the administrative contributions of the Zone.
GUIDELINES: Emphasis should be placed on the growth within the Zone relative to the resources of the Zone. Administrative promptness and completeness with respect to Division and National requests will be of utmost importance.
AWARD: The recipient will receive an engraved plaque suitable of recognition and have their Zone’s name added to the large Ontario Division Doug Wilson Award shield. The shield will remain with Ontario Division.
View Doug Wilson Award Recipients
Fred Noris |
Algonquin |
1980 |
Bryan Robinson |
Central |
1981 |
Tom Sears |
Kawartha |
1982 |
Gary Geddes |
Western |
1983 |
Marilyn Piche |
Sault Ste Marie |
1984 |
Ed Fletcher |
Frontenac |
1985 |
Brian Pessah |
Superior |
1986 |
Barbara Courtin |
Algonquin |
1987 |
Ed Fletcher |
Frontenac |
1988 |
Fred Hansen |
Algonquin |
1989 |
Paula Paquette |
Northeastern |
1990 |
Stu Jarvis |
Kawartha |
1991 |
Gord Knox |
Central |
1992 |
Jim Laturney |
Western |
1993 |
Paula Paquette |
Northeastern |
1994 |
John Hogg |
Kawartha |
1995 |
Rod Macalpine |
Central |
1996 |
Jim Walker |
Muskoka |
1997 |
Alison Luke |
Northeastern |
1998 |
John Hogg |
Kawartha |
1999 |
John Hogg |
Kawartha |
2000 |
Cindy Cameron |
Kawartha |
2001 |
Andy Grandmaison |
Algonquin |
2002 |
Jay Neill |
Muskoka |
2003 |
Ross Dunning |
Kawartha |
2004 |
Doris-Anne Smith |
Western |
2005 |
Kim Dubeau |
Muskoka |
2006 |
Linda Hatcher |
Central |
2007 |
Lazlo Vavrovics |
Central |
2008 |
Mike desBois |
Frontenac |
2009 |
John Neill |
Muskoka |
2010 |
Timothy Bachelder |
Central |
2011 |
Bradley Redwood |
Muskoka |
2012 |
Andrew Larcombe |
Frontenac |
2013 |
Andrew Larcombe |
Frontenac |
2014 |
Bruce Boynton |
Sault Ste Marie |
2015 |
Bruce Boynton |
Sault Ste Marie |
2016 |
Mark Brown |
Central |
2017 |
Mark Brown |
Central |
2018 |
Mark Brown |
Central |
2019 |
Close Records
OBJECTIVE: To recognize the achievements of an individual whom, while working as a Division officer, most enhances the activities, directions and policies in his/her particular sphere of responsibilities and while doing so:
A) Exercises and exemplifies leadership.
B) Fosters an attitude of mutual respect, support, and co operation among other officers of the Division.
RESULTS: To create awareness among all Division Officers of the value that is placed upon excellence in service to the system.
ELIGIBILITY: All Division Officers.
VOTING PROCEDURE: Each Zone President and Division Officer will receive a ballot. A majority of the votes will decide the recipient. In the case of a tie the Division President will cast the tie-breaking ballot.
1. Initiative and creativity in introducing and maintaining programs which further the aims and objectives of the system.
2. Promptness and thoroughness in response to the administrative requirements of the position.
3. Value judgement based on the general activities of the officer.
AWARD: The recipient will receive a engrave plaque suitable of recognition and have their Zone’s name will be added to the Ontario Division Executive Award shield. The shield will remain with Ontario Division.
View Executive Award Recipients
Bruce Owen |
Training Officer |
1975 |
Liz Sine |
Registrar |
1976 |
Bruce Brider |
Training Officer |
1977 |
Larry Graber |
Executive V.P. |
1978 |
Ross Penton |
Nordic Training |
1979 |
Hilda Marshall |
C.P.R. Co-Ordinator |
1980 |
Don Mackenzie |
V.P. Nordic |
1981 |
Bryan Robinson |
Government Liaison |
1982 |
Ann Crawford |
Secretary |
1983 |
Graham Smith |
V.P. Training |
1984 |
Dwight Bull |
On Hill Training |
1985 |
Woody Manery |
Executive V.P. |
1986 |
Peter Crowe |
Secretary Treasurer |
1987 |
Barbara Courtin |
V.P. Operations |
1988 |
Brian Pessah |
V.P. Training |
1989 |
Bill Esdale |
V.P. Operations/Treasurer |
1990 |
Harold Goldstein |
Director Special Events |
1991 |
Not Awarded |
- |
1992 |
Nancy Askin |
Director On Trail |
1993 |
David Johnson |
Director Finance |
1994 |
Bill Kennedy |
V.P. Training |
1995 |
Stu Jarvis |
V.P. Operations |
1996 |
Bill Kennedy |
V.P. Training |
1997 |
Not Awarded |
- |
1998 |
Sal Garofalo |
V.P. Administration |
1999 |
Nancy Askin |
V.P. Training |
2000 |
Brian Low |
V.P. Operations |
2001 |
Linda Andrews |
V.P. Administration |
2002 |
Vivienne Ball |
V.P. Communications & Safety |
2003 |
Nancy Askin |
V.P. Education |
2004 |
Ted Kennedy |
Director On-Hill |
2004 |
John Hogg |
Treasurer |
2005 |
Nancy Askin |
V.P. Education |
2006 |
Tom Carr |
V.P. Operations |
2007 |
Guy Stewart |
V.P. Operations |
2008 |
Guy Stewart |
V.P. Operations |
2009 |
Miles Thompson |
V.P. Education |
2010 |
Nancy Price-Hutley |
Director On Snow |
2011 |
William Wright |
V.P. Education |
2012 |
Nancy Price-Hutley |
V.P. Administration |
2013 |
Jennifer Poirier |
Director of Safety |
2014 |
Louie Panozzo |
Central VP Education |
2015 |
Nancy Price-Hutley |
Muskoka Admin |
2016 |
Nancy Price-Hutley |
Muskoka Admin |
2017 |
Nancy Price-Hutley |
Muskoka VP Ops |
2018 |
Nancy Askin |
Director On Snow |
2019 |
Close Records
OBJECTIVE: To recognize the assistance and co operation to the Division during the past year or years of a non-member to the System.
ELIGIBILITY: Any person who is not a member of the system, but who has over the year or years assisted the Division or Zone by donating their time, money or effort.
NOMINATING PROCEDURES: Any member may make a nomination for this award. The nomination must be in writing detailing the reasons for the award.
AWARD: Recipient will receive a framed certificate.
View Honourary Award Recipients
Ray Atkinson |
Ex Director O.S.R.A. |
1975 |
Bert Kivimaki |
Ex Director O.S.C. |
1975 |
Pentti Saarinen |
Area Operator Searchmont |
1975 |
Dr. George Doig |
Medical Advisor Superior |
1976 |
Ray Fortnier |
Labatt's Ontario Sudbury |
1976 |
Peter Glen |
Labatt's Ontario |
1976 |
Dianne Brider |
Secretary Ont Division |
1977 |
Meg Booth |
Ex. Director O.S.R.A. |
1977 |
Greg Hilton |
Ex Director O.S.C. |
1977 |
Barry Bent |
Labatt's Ontario |
1978 |
Bob Pettigrew |
Ex Director O.S.R.A. |
1978 |
Jack Bernard |
Labatt's Ontario |
1978 |
Robet Zarzycki |
AMF Head |
1979 |
Ross Woodley |
Labatt's Ontario |
1980 |
Glenn Mcpherson |
Labatt's Ontario |
1984 |
Don Mcilveen |
Ex Director O.S.R.A. |
1985 |
Bill Bennett |
Ex Director O.S.C. |
1985 |
Hans Nischen |
O.S.R.A. |
1986 |
John Ball |
Labatt's Ontario |
1986 |
Pierre Langevin |
Swix Canada |
1987 |
Henry Moser |
Oniping Ski Club |
1987 |
Lindsay Durno |
Area Mgr Big Thunder |
1987 |
Brian Eccleshall |
C.P.R. Instructor |
1988 |
Kevin Stevenson |
- |
1988 |
Alex Wilson |
Area Mgr Devils Glen |
1988 |
Gib Montgomery |
O.S.R.A. |
1988 |
Bob Bishop |
Sir Sams Ski Resort |
1999 |
Jason Chow |
Kawartha |
2006 |
Mrs. Sonja Bata |
Frontenac |
2012 |
Linda Panozzo |
Central |
2016 |
Laurentian Ski Hill |
Algonquin |
2016 |
Pekka Jokiniemi |
Toronto Police Motor Squad-Officer |
2019 |
Dr. Matt Distefano |
Central |
2019 |
Dr. Michael Lisi |
Central |
2019 |
Close Records
Public Relations
OBJECTIVE: To recognize the efforts made by a Zone or an individual, who has contributed more time and effort than would normally be expected, to promote the system to the public.
ELIGIBILITY: Any individual or Zone in the Division.
NOMINATING PROCEDURES: Any member of the system may submit a nomination in writing detailing the work or talents of the nominee.
AWARD: The Zone will receive an engraved plaque suitable of the recognition and their Zone’s name will be added to the large Ontario Division Public Relations Award shield. The shield will remain with Ontario Division.
View Public Relations Award Recipients
Nels Allen |
Superior |
1976 |
Terry Nugent |
Superior |
1976 |
Jerry Hayes |
Gatineau |
1977 |
Jerry Hayes |
Gatineau |
1978 |
Eric Arthurs |
Central |
1980 |
Central Zone |
Central |
1981 |
Algonquin Zone |
Algonquin |
1982 |
Norm Rosen |
Central |
1984 |
Central Zone |
Central |
1985 |
Kim Hansen |
Central |
1986 |
Northeastern Zone |
Northeastern |
1987 |
Central Zone |
Central |
1988 |
Central Zone |
Central |
1989 |
Blaine Bell |
Central |
1990 |
Kawartha Zone |
Kawartha |
1991 |
Superior Zone |
Superior |
1991 |
Northeastern Zone |
Northeastern |
1992 |
Muskoka Zone |
Muskoka |
1993 |
Frontenac Zone |
Frontenac |
1995 |
Bonnie Anderson |
Frontenac |
1996 |
Beth Dubeau |
Central |
1997 |
John Lackie |
Central |
1997 |
Western Zone |
Western |
1998 |
Steve Coulighan |
Central |
1999 |
Lesley Wos |
Central |
1999 |
Communications Committee |
Central |
2001 |
Ted Mc Leod |
Central |
2004 |
Jason Lockin |
Central |
2004 |
Ian Casey |
Superior |
2007 |
Markus Hetzler |
Western |
2008 |
Emily Gorda |
Algonquin |
2010 |
Bradley J Redwood |
Muskoka |
2014 |
Chris Hopkins |
Muskoka |
2014 |
Darryl Rolfe |
Frontenac |
2015 |
Nicholas Dodokin |
Central |
2016 |
Adrian Saywell |
Central |
2017 |
Jodie-Marc Lalonde |
Muskoka |
2018 |
Jodie-Marc Lalonde |
Muskoka |
2019 |
Robert & Homer Birkett |
Central |
2019 |
Close Records
OBJECTIVE: To recognize the effort and achievement of a member, members, patrol or zone, in completing or contributing to a safety program or special safety project or safety event, which contributes to the growth and development of the Division.
GOAL: To reward the valuable contribution of a member, to Ontario Division, and to foster an environment, which promotes other members to do likewise.
ELIGIBILITY: All members of Ontario Division. This award may be presented to an individual or group of patrollers and may be presented to a recipient more than once.
AWARD: The recipient(s) will receive an engraved plaque suitable of the recognition and name(s) will be added to the Ontario Division shield. The Shield will remain with Ontario Division.
View Safety Award Recipients
Heights of Horseshoe Patrol |
Central |
2004 |
Kim Dubeau |
Muskoka |
2007 |
Mount Ste Louis/Moonstone Patrol |
Central |
2010 |
Shawn McGuire |
Central |
2011 |
Marcus Rowan |
Central |
2011 |
Kerina Williamson |
Central |
2011 |
Robert Bennett |
Kawartha |
2012 |
Mike Reid |
Central |
2014 |
Jennifer Poirier |
Sault Ste Marie |
2015 |
Lisa Lemay |
Algonquin |
2016 |
Karen Pudsey |
Muskoka |
2017 |
Motorcycle Emergency Response Unit Patrol |
Central |
2018 |
Close Records
Skills Competition
OBJECTIVE: To recognize the top three teams participating in the Ontario Division Skills Competition.
GOAL: To reward the valuable contribution of a member, to Ontario Division, and to foster an environment, which promotes other members to do likewise.
ELIGIBILITY: All members of Ontario Division. This award may be presented group of patrollers and may be presented to a recipient more than once.
AWARD: The recipient(s) will receive an engraved plaque suitable of the recognition and name(s) will be added to the Ontario Division shield. The Shield will remain with Ontario Division.
View Skills Competition Award Recipients
- |
Sault Ste Marie |
1975 |
- |
- |
Superior |
1976 |
- |
- |
Central |
1977 |
- |
- |
Central |
1978 |
- |
- |
Central |
1979 |
- |
- |
Kawartha |
1980 |
- |
- |
Superior |
1981 |
- |
- |
Algonquin |
1982 |
- |
- |
Algonquin |
1983 |
- |
- |
Central |
1984 |
- |
- |
Central |
1985 |
- |
- |
Superior |
1986 |
- |
- |
Kawartha |
1987 |
- |
- |
North-Eastern |
1988 |
- |
- |
Central |
1990 |
- |
- |
Central |
1991 |
- |
- |
Central |
2000 |
Laura Boyer |
Central |
2000 |
Lazlo Vavrovics |
Central |
2000 |
Joshua Hamilton |
- |
Kawartha |
2001 |
Eric Forgie |
Kawartha |
2001 |
Tim Legere |
Kawartha |
2001 |
Shaun Regan |
- |
Central |
2002 |
Carolyn Hamilton |
Central |
2002 |
Renee Oettershagen |
Central |
2002 |
Randy Scarrow |
- |
Central |
2003 |
Kim Bohlman |
Central |
2003 |
Sarah Potter |
Central |
2003 |
Scott Syme |
Heights of Horseshoe |
Central |
2005 |
Gillian McDowell |
Heights of Horseshoe |
Central |
2005 |
Derek Fergusson |
Heights of Horseshoe |
Central |
2005 |
Stuart Baumgartner |
Mt St Louis Moonstone |
Central |
2005 |
Shawn McGuire |
Mt St Louis Moonstone |
Central |
2005 |
Cathy Relf |
Mt St Louis Moonstone |
Central |
2005 |
Chris Bohme |
Chicopee Ski Club |
Western |
2005 |
Alison Smith |
Chicopee Ski Club |
Western |
2005 |
Hon Tam |
Chicopee Ski Club |
Western |
2005 |
Eileen Cotey-Krajaefski |
Dagmar Ski Resort |
Kawartha |
2006 |
Timothy Cox |
Dagmar Ski Resort |
Kawartha |
2006 |
David Green |
Dagmar Ski Resort |
Kawartha |
2006 |
Leslie Hunter |
Caledon Ski Club |
Central |
2006 |
Tim Chow |
Caledon Ski Club |
Central |
2006 |
Mike Pinkney |
Caledon Ski Club |
Central |
2006 |
Adrain Richter |
London Ski Club |
Western |
2006 |
Alison Armstrong |
London Ski Club |
Western |
2006 |
Brett Stapylton |
London Ski Club |
Western |
2006 |
Peter Miller |
Caledon Ski Club |
Central |
2007 |
Mike Pinkney |
Caledon Ski Club |
Central |
2007 |
Rob Crosbie |
Caledon Ski Club |
Central |
2007 |
Louie Panozzo |
Lakeridge Ski Resort |
Kawartha |
2007 |
Mike Hewett |
Lakeridge Ski Resort |
Kawartha |
2007 |
Glen Porter |
Lakeridge Ski Resort |
Kawartha |
2007 |
Brian Johnson |
Mt St Louis Moonstone |
Central |
2007 |
Jimi Power |
Mt St Louis Moonstone |
Central |
2007 |
Shawn McGuire |
Mt St Louis Moonstone |
Central |
2007 |
David McNamara |
Mt St Louis Moonstone |
Central |
2008 |
Jimi Power |
Mt St Louis Moonstone |
Central |
2008 |
Andrew Lee |
Mt St Louis Moonstone |
Central |
2008 |
Tania Jaciw-Zurakiwsky |
Hidden Valley Highlands |
Muskoka |
2008 |
Jody Hamilton |
Hidden Valley Highlands |
Muskoka |
2008 |
Leigh Fettes |
Hidden Valley Highlands |
Muskoka |
2008 |
Mike Paton |
Horseshoe Valley Resort |
Central |
2008 |
Roger Wetherall |
Horseshoe Valley Resort |
Central |
2008 |
Andre Hoffman |
Horseshoe Valley Resort |
Central |
2008 |
Sheila Ressor |
Horseshoe Valley Resort |
Central |
2009 |
Sheila Reesor |
Horseshoe Valley Resort |
Central |
2009 |
Roger Wetherall |
Horseshoe Valley Resort |
Central |
2009 |
Mandy Moore |
Oshawa Ski Club |
Kawartha |
2009 |
Dave Segers |
Oshawa Ski Club |
Kawartha |
2009 |
Parry Pichette |
Oshawa Ski Club |
Kawartha |
2009 |
Piotr Koscielniak |
Cobble Hills Ski Club |
Western |
2009 |
Tom Smith |
Cobble Hills Ski Club |
Western |
2009 |
Kevin Morgan |
Cobble Hills Ski Club |
Western |
2009 |
Kenneth Lapp |
Cobble Hills Ski Club |
Western |
2010 |
Tom Smith |
Cobble Hills Ski Club |
Western |
2010 |
Paul Burrell |
Cobble Hills Ski Club |
Western |
2010 |
Kevin Morgan |
Lakeridge Ski Resort |
Kawartha |
2010 |
Steve Kosmyvia |
Lakeridge Ski Resort |
Kawartha |
2010 |
Brian Peck |
Lakeridge Ski Resort |
Kawartha |
2010 |
Kyle Wood |
Searchmont Ski Hill |
Sault Ste Marie |
2010 |
Dave Piste |
Searchmont Ski Hill |
Sault Ste Marie |
2010 |
Ryan McLeod |
Searchmont Ski Hill |
Sault Ste Marie |
2010 |
Jen Poirier (Dunne) |
Craigleith Ski Club |
Central |
2011 |
Brittany Borysek |
Craigleith Ski Club |
Central |
2011 |
Ginette Lamoureux |
Craigleith Ski Club |
Central |
2011 |
Daniel Lena |
Searchmont Valley |
Sault Ste Marie |
2011 |
David Pister |
Searchmont Valley |
Sault Ste Marie |
2011 |
Ryan McLeod |
Searchmont Valley |
Sault Ste Marie |
2011 |
Jennifer Poirier |
Devils Elbow Ski Resort |
Kawartha |
2011 |
Frank Levec |
Devils Elbow Ski Resort |
Kawartha |
2011 |
Wayne DeHaitre |
Devils Elbow Ski Resort |
Kawartha |
2011 |
Kevin Dowdall |
Mt St Louis Moonstone |
Central |
2012 |
Andrew Lee |
Mt St Louis Moonstone |
Central |
2012 |
Nicholas Dodokin |
Mt St Louis Moonstone |
Central |
2012 |
Veronique Brunet |
Lakeridge Ski Resort |
Kawartha |
2012 |
Lou Montgomery |
Lakeridge Ski Resort |
Kawartha |
2012 |
Steve Kosmyna |
Lakeridge Ski Resort |
Kawartha |
2012 |
Doug Edwards |
London Ski Club |
Western |
2012 |
Jeremy Cepek |
London Ski Club |
Western |
2012 |
Michael Lavigne |
London Ski Club |
Western |
2012 |
Scott Reed |
Craigleith Ski Club |
Central |
2013 |
Brittney Borysek |
Craigleith Ski Club |
Central |
2013 |
Michael MacAlpine |
Craigleith Ski Club |
Central |
2013 |
Stephen Trafford |
Lakeridge Resort Limited |
Kawartha |
2013 |
Michael Nichols |
Lakeridge Resort Limited |
Kawartha |
2013 |
Steve Kosmyna |
Lakeridge Resort Limited |
Kawartha |
2013 |
Doug Edwards |
Adanac Ski Hill |
Algonquin |
2013 |
Pete Whittington |
Adanac Ski Hill |
Algonquin |
2013 |
Chris Carrier |
Adanac Ski Hill |
Algonquin |
2013 |
Peirre Bonin |
Adanac Ski Hill |
Algonquin |
2014 |
Pete Whittington |
Adanac Ski Hill |
Algonquin |
2014 |
Chris Carrier |
Adanac Ski Hill |
Algonquin |
2014 |
Peirre Bonin |
Lakeridge Resort Limited |
Kawartha |
2014 |
John Serjeantson |
Lakeridge Resort Limited |
Kawartha |
2014 |
Calvin Smith |
Lakeridge Resort Limited |
Kawartha |
2014 |
Karen Heffer-Schultz |
Hidden Valley Highlands |
Muskoka |
2014 |
Mathew Bennetts |
Hidden Valley Highlands |
Muskoka |
2014 |
Jacob Gettins |
Hidden Valley Highlands |
Muskoka |
2014 |
Michelle Gettins-Magill |
Close Records
Special Achievement
OBJECTIVE: To recognize the effort and achievement of a member, in completing or contributing to a special project or event, which contributes to the growth and development of the Division.
GOAL: To reward the valuable contribution of a member, to Ontario Division, and to foster an environment, which promotes other members to do likewise.
ELIGIBILITY: All members of Ontario Division. This award may be presented to a recipient more than once.
NOMINATING PROCEDURE: Only Ontario Division Executive may nominate for this award.
AWARD: Recipient will receive a framed certificate.
View Special Achievement Award Recipients
Jan Beard |
Central |
2002 |
Bruce Boulding |
Central |
2002 |
Pamela Foster |
Kawartha |
2002 |
Ted McLeod |
Central |
2002 |
William Wright |
Western |
2002 |
Marg Bruineman |
Central |
2003 |
Ann Heide |
- |
2003 |
Joel Dodd |
Western |
2004 |
Doris-Anne Smith |
Western |
2004 |
Connie Bontje |
Western |
2004 |
Marc Nowacki |
Western |
2004 |
Ray Barrick |
Western |
2004 |
Tom Smith |
Western |
2004 |
David Armstrong |
Western |
2004 |
Nancy Askin |
Western |
2004 |
Steve Slack |
Western |
2004 |
Janet Meesters |
Central |
2004 |
Don Milner |
Ogopogo |
2004 |
Elizabeth Oldfield |
Calgary |
2004 |
Brian Low |
Central |
2006 |
William (Bill) Wright |
Western |
2006 |
Stu Jarvis |
Kawartha |
2006 |
Central Zone |
Central |
2006 |
Dave Segers |
Kawartha |
2007 |
Geoff Kavanagh |
Central |
2009 |
NAC 2009 Committee |
Kawartha |
2010 |
Lisa Suutari |
Non Patroller |
2010 |
Don Rivers |
Central |
2010 |
Antony Niro |
Central |
2010 |
Russell Pyper |
Kawartha |
2012 |
Denise Sebastian |
Kawartha |
2012 |
Charlie Turner |
Kawartha |
2012 |
Sheila Reesor |
Kawartha |
2012 |
Roger Wetherall |
Kawartha |
2012 |
Robert Rocque |
Kawartha |
2012 |
Eric Waddell |
Central |
2012 |
Timothy Bachelder |
Central |
2012 |
John Hooke |
Central |
2012 |
Nancy Price-Hutley |
Muskoka |
2012 |
Linda Hatcher |
Central |
2013 |
Ray Wood |
Central |
2013 |
Christine Wood |
Central |
2013 |
Lesley Daw |
Central |
2013 |
Wyn Smith |
Central |
2013 |
Norm Brown |
Central |
2013 |
Miles Thompson |
Central |
2013 |
Brittany Borysek |
Central |
2013 |
Harold Goldstein |
Central |
2013 |
Heather Hardie |
Central |
2013 |
Geoff Kavanagh |
Central |
2013 |
Nicole LeDressay |
Superior |
2014 |
David Shepherd |
Superior |
2014 |
Bob Thompson |
Kawartha |
2014 |
Mark Brown |
Central |
2015 |
Tom Carr |
Central |
2015 |
Brian Low |
Central |
2015 |
Sandy Roe |
Central |
2015 |
Wyn Smith |
Central |
2015 |
Alison Smith |
Western |
2015 |
Eric Waddell |
Central |
2015 |
Bill Littlefair |
Kawartha |
2015 |
Robi Roncarelli |
Kawartha |
2015 |
Brad Redwood |
Muskoka |
2015 |
Bruce Boynton |
Sault Ste Marie |
2015 |
Linda Andrews |
Western |
2015 |
Marion Karol |
Central |
2015 |
Stephane Niles |
Fundy |
2015 |
Veronique Brunet |
Kawartha |
2015 |
Louie Panozzo |
Central |
2015 |
Gary Collins |
Kawartha |
2015 |
Susan Elder |
Inter-Mountain |
2015 |
Karen Ryan |
Humber Dorset |
2015 |
Ric Sack |
Ogopogo |
2015 |
Lisa Lemay |
Algonquin |
2015 |
Nick Kroeger |
Kawartha |
2015 |
Sinead Nicole Anderson |
central |
2017 |
Chris Baker |
Central |
2017 |
Jessica Anne Carr |
Central |
2017 |
Brittany Borysek |
Central |
2017 |
Kathy-Anne Carr |
Central |
2017 |
Tom Carr |
Central |
2017 |
Alex Hsueh |
Central |
2017 |
Adrian Saywell |
Central |
2017 |
Wyn Smith |
Central |
2017 |
Miles Thompson |
Central |
2017 |
Close Records
Zone President
OBJECTIVE: To recognize the efforts made by a Zone in promoting, expanding and supporting the programs and policies of the National organisation, thereby enhancing the position of that Zone in Ontario.
To create awareness in the membership of the valuable contributions made by the Zones in Ontario and to foster an environment, which will promote other Zones in Ontario to do likewise.
ELIGIBILITY: All current Ontario Division Zones.
AWARD: The Zone will receive an engraved plaque suitable of the recognition and have their Zone’s name added to the Ontario Division Zone President’s Award shield. The shield will remain with Ontario Division.
View Zone President Award Recipients
Ted Duffiel |
Superior |
1975 |
Gil Quesnel |
Algonquin |
1976 |
Peter Maxwell |
Central |
1977 |
Calum Macleod |
Frontenac |
1978 |
Keith Gillam |
Central |
1979 |
Tom Sears |
Kawartha |
1980 |
Bryan Robinson |
Central |
1981 |
George Darling |
Algonquin |
1982 |
Woody Manery |
Kawartha |
1983 |
Frank Reynolds |
Superior |
1984 |
Jules Baderski |
Northeastern |
1985 |
Doug Simpson |
Central |
1986 |
Bill Esdale |
Kawartha |
1987 |
Bill Esdale |
Kawartha |
1988 |
Ed Fletcher |
Frontenac |
1989 |
Rob Kelly |
Muskoka |
1990 |
Paula Paquette |
Northeastern |
1991 |
Stu Jarvis |
Kawartha |
1992 |
David Howe |
Frontenac |
1993 |
Larry Demarco |
Central |
1994 |
Brian Wilson |
Sault Ste Marie |
1995 |
Millie Konderka |
Superior |
1996 |
John Hogg |
Kawartha |
1997 |
Geoff Witzke |
Algonquin |
1998 |
Rod Macalpine |
Central |
1999 |
David Schatzler |
Sault Ste Marie |
2000 |
Tom Carr |
Central |
2001 |
Stephen Slack |
Western |
2002 |
Ross Dunning |
Kawartha |
2003 |
Jay Neil |
Muskoka |
2004 |
Guy Stewart |
Kawartha |
2005 |
Doris Anne Smith |
Western |
2006 |
Tim Manery |
Kawartha |
2007 |
Tim Manery |
Kawartha |
2008 |
Tim Manery |
Kawartha |
2009 |
Marc Beyone |
Algonquin |
2010 |
Andy Larcombe |
Frontenac |
2011 |
Robert Rocque |
Kawartha |
2012 |
Ron Cameron |
Western |
2013 |
Bradley Redwood |
Muskoka |
2014 |
Mark Brown |
Central |
2015 |
Bradley Redwood |
Muskoka |
2016 |
Jodie-Marc Lalonde |
Muskoka |
2017 |
Jodie-Marc Lalonde |
Muskoka |
2018 |
Jodie-Marc Lalonde |
Muskoka |
2019 |
Close Records