Division Awards

Division Awards

This page lists all Division Awards granted to members of Ontario Division.

20 Years Service Award

To recognize patrollers who have 20 years of ACTIVE Service with the CSP (does not have to be consecutive).

Ontario Division will honor the patroller with a framed certificate and a 20 year service pin.

View 20 Years Service Award Recipients

25 Years Service Award

To recognize patrollers who have 25 years of ACTIVE Service with the CSP (does not have to be consecutive).

Ontario Division will honor the patroller with a framed certificate and a 25 year service pin.

View 25 Years Service Award Recipients

50 Years Service Award

To recognize patrollers who have 50 years of ACTIVE Service with the CSP (does not have to be consecutive).

Ontario Division will honor the patroller with a framed certificate and a 50 year service pin.
View 50 Years Service Award Recipients

Division Appreciation Award

To recognize a member of the System who has contributed far more time and effort than would normally be expected in the performance of their assigned function, or a member who has taken on a special project on behalf of the Division and has done an outstanding job.

This award may also be given to recognize persons or organisations outside of the system who have voluntarily performed services at the Division level beyond that requested or expected.

Any member of the System, non-member or organisation may be nominated.

The recipient will receive a framed certificate.

View Division Appreciation Award Recipients

Bill Kennedy Award

For the Division to recognize the important contributions in various functions by special individuals who have shown dedication beyond normal expectations to the Division and in so doing honour the recipient with the highest award available in the Division.

Create awareness amongst the Division of the respect and honour accorded by the Division to this individual and to foster an “esprit de corps” among the members of this unique individual, and to thereby promote the long term survival of the Division.

ELIGIBILITY: Any member of the Ontario Division.

NOMINATING PROCEDURE: Any member of the Division may submit a nomination on the approved form and in accordance with the rules forwarded each year to the Zone Presidents, as per the Awards Guide.

1. A nominee should have been recognized by his/her own Zone, and must have received the Division and National appreciation awards and the Canadian Ski Patroller Award and should have shown new initiative since receiving the CSP Award.

2. A detailed document must be received which provides a chronological list of the activities of the individual.

3. The individual must have provided positive leadership in the System for a number of years.

4. A “builder” of the Division (ie: leadership or major contributions that have aided the growth of the System or have had a major positive impact are the best examples). Note: This should not be a length of service award.

5. Contributions made at the Division level are essential and at the National level are considered desirable.

6. The individual’s dedication to the aims and objectives of the System must be demonstrated.

AWARD: The recipient receives a pin and a numbered engraved plaque.

View Bill Kennedy Award Recipients

Doug Wilson

OBJECTIVE: To recognize a Zone that has demonstrated the best overall administrative ability.

RESULTS: To create an awareness in the members, of the linkage from the patrollers through the Zone to Division to National office.

ELIGIBILITY: All Zones in Ontario Division. This award may be awarded to the same individual zone more than once.

NOMINATING PROCEDURES: Only Ontario Division Executive may nominate for this award. The nomination must be submitted in writing, outlining the administrative contributions of the Zone.

GUIDELINES: Emphasis should be placed on the growth within the Zone relative to the resources of the Zone. Administrative promptness and completeness with respect to Division and National requests will be of utmost importance.

AWARD: The recipient will receive an engraved plaque suitable of recognition and have their Zone’s name added to the large Ontario Division Doug Wilson Award shield. The shield will remain with Ontario Division.

View Doug Wilson Award Recipients


OBJECTIVE: To recognize the achievements of an individual whom, while working as a Division officer, most enhances the activities, directions and policies in his/her particular sphere of responsibilities and while doing so:

A) Exercises and exemplifies leadership.
B) Fosters an attitude of mutual respect, support, and co operation among other officers of the Division.

RESULTS: To create awareness among all Division Officers of the value that is placed upon excellence in service to the system.

ELIGIBILITY: All Division Officers.

VOTING PROCEDURE: Each Zone President and Division Officer will receive a ballot. A majority of the votes will decide the recipient. In the case of a tie the Division President will cast the tie-breaking ballot.

1. Initiative and creativity in introducing and maintaining programs which further the aims and objectives of the system.
2. Promptness and thoroughness in response to the administrative requirements of the position.
3. Value judgement based on the general activities of the officer.

AWARD: The recipient will receive a engrave plaque suitable of recognition and have their Zone’s name will be added to the Ontario Division Executive Award shield. The shield will remain with Ontario Division.

View Executive Award Recipients


OBJECTIVE: To recognize the assistance and co operation to the Division during the past year or years of a non-member to the System.

ELIGIBILITY: Any person who is not a member of the system, but who has over the year or years assisted the Division or Zone by donating their time, money or effort.

NOMINATING PROCEDURES: Any member may make a nomination for this award. The nomination must be in writing detailing the reasons for the award.

AWARD: Recipient will receive a framed certificate.

View Honourary Award Recipients

Public Relations

OBJECTIVE: To recognize the efforts made by a Zone or an individual, who has contributed more time and effort than would normally be expected, to promote the system to the public.

ELIGIBILITY: Any individual or Zone in the Division.

NOMINATING PROCEDURES: Any member of the system may submit a nomination in writing detailing the work or talents of the nominee.

AWARD: The Zone will receive an engraved plaque suitable of the recognition and their Zone’s name will be added to the large Ontario Division Public Relations Award shield. The shield will remain with Ontario Division.

View Public Relations Award Recipients


OBJECTIVE: To recognize the effort and achievement of a member, members, patrol or zone, in completing or contributing to a safety program or special safety project or safety event, which contributes to the growth and development of the Division.

GOAL: To reward the valuable contribution of a member, to Ontario Division, and to foster an environment, which promotes other members to do likewise.

ELIGIBILITY: All members of Ontario Division. This award may be presented to an individual or group of patrollers and may be presented to a recipient more than once.

AWARD: The recipient(s) will receive an engraved plaque suitable of the recognition and name(s) will be added to the Ontario Division shield. The Shield will remain with Ontario Division.

View Safety Award Recipients

Skills Competition

OBJECTIVE: To recognize the top three teams participating in the Ontario Division Skills Competition.

GOAL: To reward the valuable contribution of a member, to Ontario Division, and to foster an environment, which promotes other members to do likewise.

ELIGIBILITY: All members of Ontario Division. This award may be presented group of patrollers and may be presented to a recipient more than once.

AWARD: The recipient(s) will receive an engraved plaque suitable of the recognition and name(s) will be added to the Ontario Division shield. The Shield will remain with Ontario Division.

View Skills Competition Award Recipients

Special Achievement

OBJECTIVE: To recognize the effort and achievement of a member, in completing or contributing to a special project or event, which contributes to the growth and development of the Division.

GOAL: To reward the valuable contribution of a member, to Ontario Division, and to foster an environment, which promotes other members to do likewise.

ELIGIBILITY: All members of Ontario Division. This award may be presented to a recipient more than once.

NOMINATING PROCEDURE: Only Ontario Division Executive may nominate for this award.

AWARD: Recipient will receive a framed certificate.

View Special Achievement Award Recipients

Zone President

OBJECTIVE: To recognize the efforts made by a Zone in promoting, expanding and supporting the programs and policies of the National organisation, thereby enhancing the position of that Zone in Ontario.

To create awareness in the membership of the valuable contributions made by the Zones in Ontario and to foster an environment, which will promote other Zones in Ontario to do likewise.

ELIGIBILITY: All current Ontario Division Zones.

AWARD: The Zone will receive an engraved plaque suitable of the recognition and have their Zone’s name added to the Ontario Division Zone President’s Award shield. The shield will remain with Ontario Division.

View Zone President Award Recipients

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